Νέα παράδοση
σιδηροδρομικός σταθμός στο Καζάν 1896
το κτήριο διοίκησης του σιδηροδρομικού σταθμού
Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées
διεθνής έκθεση Παρισιού 1900
Henri Deglane, Albert Louvet, Albert Thomas & Charles Girault,
each with a separate area of responsibility
glass vault, its structure made of iron and light steel framing, and its use of reinforced concrete
Headquarters of the Helsinki Telephone Association (1903-1907)
Lars Sonck
Mies van der Rohe
Otto von Bismarck monument 1910
not realized
Mies van der Rohe
Otto von Bismarck monument 1910
interior courtyard
not realized

Woolworth Building c.1913
αρχιτέκτονας: Cass Gilbert
στατική μελέτη: Gunvald Aus & Kort Berle
Woolworth building's crown
Woolworth building
part of the lobby
Stockholms stadshus 1911-23
Ragnar Östberg
νεορομανικός ρυθμός;
σουηδικός εθνικός ρομαντισμός
Indianapolis Central Library, Indianapolis, IN (1916–17)
Paul Philippe Cret
Between the World Wars, a stripped-down classicism became the de facto standard for many monumental and institutional governmental buildings all over the world. Governments used this architectural méthode to straddle modernism and classicism, an ideal political response to a modernizing world.
Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof 1922
Paul Bonatz & Friedrich Eugen Scholer

Viceroy's House 1912-1929
Edwin Lutyens
έπαυλη 340 δωματίων
new order of classical architecture
Eduskuntatalo 1926-31
Φιλανδικό Κοινοβούλιο
Johan Sigfrid Sirén
14 κορινθιακοί κίονες
a stripped classical architectural style combining Neoclassicism with early twentieth century modernism.
Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden 1911
Heinrich Tessenow
William R. Cotter Federal Building 1931
in Hartford, Connecticut
Malmfeldt, Adams & Prentice
The architectural contest for the
Palace of the Soviets (1931–1933)
was won by Boris Iofan's neoclassical concept,
subsequently revised by Iofan, Vladimir Shchuko and Vladimir Gelfreikh
into a skyscraper.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Ν.Υ Ν.Υ 1955–1969
Philip Johnson
Building complex at Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
Giorgio Grassi
Village Hall, Windsor, Florida, 1997
Léon Krier
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